D.E.S.S. Game Design

Refine and Enhance my Skills

Taking a step back to university empowered me to continue my journey as a game designer with newfound confidence and expertise.

Table Game Prototype

During the D.E.S.S. program, one of the most enriching experiences was crafting three unique table game prototypes. Working in groups, we ventured into a realm of experimentation, exploring diverse concepts and ideas. This journey deepened our understanding of fundamental design principles while nurturing our creativity. Ultimately, we delivered three captivating table game projects, highlighting our innovation and sharpening our collaborative abilities.

Design Theories

Central to our D.E.S.S. Game Design program was a comprehensive study of design theories spanning the history of game design. We delved into an array of principles and concepts, covering topics such as managing complex systems and understanding the impact of risk and player choices. With this knowledge, I am confident in my ability to evolve as a game designer and create more engaging and immersive experiences for players.

Video Game Prototype

For our culminating project in the D.E.S.S. Game Design program, my group of four successfully delivered a polished and enjoyable game prototype developed in Unity. With the flexibility afforded by our small team, we implemented Agile development practices, enabling us to effectively manage our project. Each of us assumed multiple roles throughout the development process, fostering a dynamic and collaborative environment.

This experience not only honed my skills in Unity development but also provided invaluable insights into teamwork within a French-speaking environment. By navigating various challenges and responsibilities, I gained practical experience that will undoubtedly shape my future endeavors in game design.

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